OnPlatinum Website

onPlatinum is an award-winning Managed Service Provider who since 2012 has grown its client base to over 600 clients across Australia.

The Challenge

The site hadn’t been updated since 2016 and was still using older branding. It had an unclear user flow as the company had expanded its products it offered, but they were not displayed on the website.


The team needed to come up with an effective solution to having a clear user journey wrapped in great design.

My Role

I was one of the 2 UI/UX designers on this project, working on the userflow, keeping the design library on brand and creating animations and assets.

Research and Review


We started with researching and storyboarding the User’s journey and creating solutions to the pain points we discovered during these workshops.


These started with sketches drawn on paper and whiteboards and ended up in digital format that were later used to create the wireframes and prototypes.

Analytics and User Testing

Having previous Google Analytics data helped the process of finding the issues we were experiencing and what pages we could either scrap or improve to further the user experience and create a more clear structure and design for the site.

Putting the Research to use.


Through further workshops of research and exploration, we started to create wireframes based on the information we had gathered previously. These were created with a mobile first approach and tested within the team to help refine the layout and overall design and approach to the new website.

Development and Design

As the other UI/UX Designer and I both had frontend development experience, we undertook the coding and creation of the site after we had created the design.

As the only designer with Illustration skills on the team, I was also in charge of all the Icons and animations on the site. These were first drawn, then created in Illustrator, exported into SVG’s and then animated using CSS and JS.


You can view more of these here.

Final Designs